Create and export custom PDF document from workspace data


Custom reports are a great way of creating specific views of your LeanIX workspace data. However, in a corporate environment, the user may need to document and communicate those views, analyses, and findings to other stakeholders in a format that follows a certain set of corporate documentation guidelines and policies. Thus, the ability to export information from LeanIX into a popular document format such as PDF, for example, that follows a certain template that meets the corporate guidelines, may save some time to the user. In this step-by-step tutorial, we'll create a LeanIX custom report project that demonstrates how to export its content into a PDF document that follows a pre-defined template. More specifically, we'll generate an obsolescence report in which the user sets a start and end date for the analysis, and gets both a chart and a list of all IT Components in his workspace that transition into the "End of Life" lifecycle phase during the specified date range.


Getting Started

Initialize a new project by running the following command and answering the questionnaire. For this tutorial we will be using the vue template:

npm init lxr@latest

Answer the questionnaire as follows, making sure you answer the last three questions with the appropriate values for your workspace and network:

After this procedure, you should end up with the following project structure:


For this project, we'll use the pdfmake library to generate PDF documents from our content, as well as the Chart.JS and moment libraries. Therefore we'll install those dependencies by issuing the following command:

npm install moment chart.js pdfmake

Finally, before proceeding, we'll delete the ./src/components/HelloWorld.vue file and edit the ./src/App.vue file as follows:

  <!-- we'll use this template tag for declaring our custom report html -->
  <div>Hi from LeanIX Custom Report</div>

<script setup>
import { ref, watch, onMounted} from 'vue'
import '@leanix/reporting'
import moment from 'moment'
import Chart from 'chart.js/auto'
import pdfMake from 'pdfmake/build/pdfmake'

// state variable that will hold our workspace setup
const reportSetup = ref(null)
// state variable that will hold our dataset
const itComponents = ref([])
// state variable that will hold the computed obsolete it components
const obsoleteITComponents = ref([])
// variable that define the columns shown in our it component table
const columns = ref([
  { key: 'obsolescenceDate', label: 'Obsolescence Date' },
  { key: 'category', label: 'Category' },
  { key: 'name', label: 'IT Component' }
const dataUrl = ref(null)
// variable that will hold the startDate value
const startDate = ref(moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD'))
// variable that will hold the endDate value
const endDate = ref(moment().add(1, 'months').endOf('month').format('YYYY-MM-DD'))
const analysis = ref('')
// variable that will reference the canvas barChart element
const barChart = ref(null)

const initializeReport = async () => {
  reportSetup.value = await lx.init()

const fetchDataset = () => {
  // to be implemented

const computeObsolescencies = () => {
  // to be implemented

const generateBarChart = () => {
  // to be implemented

const generatePDF = () => {
  // to be implemented

// watcher that will trigger the computeObsolescencies method on every update of
// startDate, endDate and itComponents state variables
watch([startDate, endDate, itComponents], computeObsolescencies)

// we initialize our report here...
// and trigger the fetchDataset method

You may now start the development server now by running the following command:

npm run dev


When you run npm run dev, a local webserver is hosted on localhost:3000 that allows connections via HTTPS. But since just a development SSL certificate is created the browser might show a warning that the connection is not secure. You could either allow connections to this host anyways, or create your own self-signed certificate.

If you decide to add a security exception to your localhost, make sure you open a second browser tab and point it to https://localhost:3000. Once the security exception is added to your browser, reload the original url of your development server and open the development console. Your should see a screen similar to the one below:


Nothing very exciting happens here. Notice however that our report loads, and is showing the message we defined inside the template tag of the App.vue file.

Custom Report Design


We'll organize our custom report in two columns. On the leftmost column we'll place two datepicker inputs, through which the use can set the start and end dates of the analysis. Also, we'll include an action button above our left column that will trigger the generation of the PDF document. Moreover, and also on the left column, we'll have three rows. On the first row we'll display a Bar Chart showing, by category - Hardware, Software or Service, the number of IT Components that get obsolete during the selected period. On the second row we'll display a scrollable table listing all those same IT Components. Finally, the third row will consist of a text area in which the user can write a couple of words on the obsolescence situation.

As a first step, we'll edit the template section of our src/App.vue file and add the basic template of our report as follows:

  <div class="h-screen flex p-4 gap-4">
    <!-- Left Column Container -->
    <div class="w-1/2 overflow-auto py-4">
      <!-- Top ActionBar Container -->
      <div class="flex justify-end mb-4 gap-2">
        <div class="flex text-sm gap-4 py-2 justify-center items-center">
          <!-- StartDate DatePicker -->
            <label for="startDate" class="font-medium">Start Date</label>
              class="border rounded text-xs">
          <!-- /StartDate DatePicker -->
          <!-- EndDate DatePicker -->
            <label for="endDate" class="font-medium">End Date</label>
              class="border rounded text-xs">
          <!-- /EndDate DatePicker -->
        <div class="flex-1"></div>
        <!-- GeneratePDF Button -->
          class="inline-flex gap-1 items-center px-2 py-1 border border-transparent text-xs leading-4 font-medium rounded text-white bg-green-600 hover:bg-green-500 transition ease-in-out duration-150">
          <svg class="w-4 h-4" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"  xmlns="">
            <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" d="M7 21h10a2 2 0 002-2V9.414a1 1 0 00-.293-.707l-5.414-5.414A1 1 0 0012.586 3H7a2 2 0 00-2 2v14a2 2 0 002 2z"></path>
          Generate PDF
         <!-- /GeneratePDF Button -->
      <!-- /Top ActionBar Container -->
      <div class="flex flex-col gap-6">
        <!-- Chart Container -->
          <div class="text-center font-medium mb-2">Obsolescences per IT Component Category</div>
          <div class="h-56 relative border rounded shadow">
            <canvas v-show="obsoleteITComponents.length > 0" ref="barChart"></canvas>
            <div v-show="obsoleteITComponents.length === 0" class="italic absolute" style="top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%)">
              Nothing to display...
        <!-- /Chart Container -->
        <!-- List Container -->
          <div class="text-center font-medium mb-2" x-text="'IT Component Obsolescences (' + obsoleteITComponents.length + ')'"></div>
          <div class="h-40 overflow-auto border shadow rounded relative">
            <table x-show="obsoleteITComponents.length" class="table-auto w-full bg-white border-separate border border-t-0 border-grey" :style="'border-spacing: 0'">
                    v-for="(column, idx) in columns"
                    class="border-r border-b border-grey sticky top-0 bg-gray-100 font-normal p-1">
                  v-for="(row, idx) in obsoleteITComponents"
                    v-for="column in columns"
                    class="p-1 border-b border-r">
                    {{row[column.key].label || row[column.key]}}
            <div v-if="!obsoleteITComponents.length" class="italic absolute" style="top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%)">
              No IT Component obsolescence is scheduled for the selected period...
        <!-- /List Container -->
        <!-- TextArea Container -->
          <div class="text-center font-medium mb-2">Analysis</div>
              placeholder="Write your comment here..."
              class="bg-white w-full shadow border rounded p-2 text-xs">
        <!-- /TextArea Container -->
    <!-- /Left Column Container -->
    <!-- Right Column Container -->
    <div class="bg-green-100 w-1/2 border">
      <template v-if="dataUrl">
        <!-- PDF Viewer Container -->
        <embed :src="dataUrl" type="application/pdf" width="100%" height="100%">
        <!-- /PDF Viewer Container -->
    <!-- /Right Column Container -->

Your report should look like this now:

Business Logic

The business logic for our report will consist of four main functionalities:

  • fetching data
  • computing obsolete it components
  • generate the bar chart
  • generate the PDF document

In this Section, we'll cover the implementation of each, individually.

Fetching Data

The first method we'll cover is the fetchDataset. With this method we fetch information on all IT Components existing in our workspace. More specifically, we are interested in getting three attributes of each IT Component: name, category and lifecycle. We'll use the lx.executeGraphQL method to fetch our dataset and store it using the itComponents state variable. Also, recall that this method is triggered only once when the report loads. Proceed by copying and pasting the fetchDataset method given below into to the placeholder located in the script section of your src/App.vue file.

<script setup>
const fetchDataset = async () => {
  const query = `{
    allFactSheets(factSheetType: ITComponent) {
      edges {
        node {
          ... on ITComponent {
            lifecycle {
              phases {
  itComponents.value = await lx.executeGraphQL(query)
    .then(data =>{ node }) => node))

Computing Obsolescence

Once we have fetched the information on all IT Components, it is time to compute the obsolescency state for each during the user-defined date range. By obsolete, we mean that the IT Component transitions into the "End of Life" lifecycle phase within the date range specified by the user. Therefore, our computeObsolescencies method will traverse the itComponents array in order to filter in obsolete IT Components. The result of this filtering will be stored on the obsoleteITComponent state variable. Moreover, after this filtering operation is completed, it triggers the generateBarChart method which we'll cover ahead. Also, keep in mind that the computeObsolescencies method is triggered by the watcher we have defined at the end of the script section of our src/App.vue file. As before, copy and past the code snippet below into the appropriate placeholder located in the script section of your src/App.vue file.

<script setup>
const computeObsolescencies = () => {
  const itComponentViewModel = reportSetup.value.settings.viewModel.factSheets
    .find(({ type }) => type === 'ITComponent')
  const categoryFieldMetaDataIndex = itComponentViewModel.fieldMetaData.category.values

  obsoleteITComponents.value = itComponents.value
    .reduce((accumulator, itComponent) => {
      let { lifecycle, category } = itComponent
      if (lifecycle === null) return accumulator
      const { phases } = lifecycle
      let { startDate: obsolescenceDate } = phases.find(({ phase }) => phase === 'endOfLife') || {}
      if (!obsolescenceDate) return accumulator
      obsolescenceDate = moment(obsolescenceDate, 'YYYY-MM-DD')
      if (obsolescenceDate && obsolescenceDate.isBetween(startDate.value, endDate.value)) {
        const label = category === null
          ? 'Not defined'
          : lx.translateFieldValue('ITComponent', 'category', category)
        const { bgColor, color } = categoryFieldMetaDataIndex[category] || {}
        category = { key: category, label, bgColor, color }
        accumulator.push({ ...itComponent, category, obsolescenceDate })
      return accumulator
    }, [])
    .sort(({ obsolescenceDate: A }, { obsolescenceDate: B }) => A.unix() < B.unix() ? -1 : A.unix() > B.unix() ? 1 : 0)
    .map(itComponent => ({
      obsolescenceDate: itComponent.obsolescenceDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD')

  generateBarChart ()

Now, if you observe your report, you should see the list of obsolete IT Components being shown on the second row of the leftmost column. If nothing shows up, try tweaking the start and end dates of your analysis in order to capture some obsolescence event!

Generate the Bar Chart

Having computed the list of IT Components that get obsolete during the date range specified by the user, we want to display that information on a bar chart that shows the obsolescency frequency of each IT Component category during that period. Therefore we'll create an index of obsolete IT Component categories, based on our obsoleteITComponent state variable, and use it for generating a Bar Chart using the popular Chart.js library. The chart will be rendered in the canvas element, referenced as "barChart", that we created before in our html template.

Again, copy and past the code snippet below into the appropriate placeholder located in the script section of your src/App.vue file.

<script setup>
const generateBarChart = () => {
  const categoryIndex = obsoleteITComponents.value
    .reduce((accumulator, itComponent) => {
      const { category } = itComponent
      if (!accumulator[category.key]) accumulator[category.key] = { ...category, items: [] }
      return accumulator
    }, {})

  const options = {
    responsive: true,
    maintainAspectRatio: false,
    devicePixelRatio: 2,
    events: [],
    legend: false,
    plugins: {
      legend: false
    scales: {
      yAxes: [
          ticks: {
            beginAtZero: true,
            stepSize: 1

  const keys = Object.keys(categoryIndex)

  const data = {
    labels: => categoryIndex[key].label),
    datasets: [
        backgroundColor: => categoryIndex[key].bgColor),
        data: => categoryIndex[key].items.length)

  new Chart(barChart.value, { type: 'bar', data, options })

Our custom report should be displaying now the chart! If not, try tweaking on your start and end dates until an IT Component of your workspace gets obsolete during in that period.

Having included the chart in our report, we'll proceed in our tutorial by generating the PDF document out of it!

Generating the PDF Document

We want our exported PDF document to follow a certain style and structure, and to include the bar chart, the list, and the text content that we have in our custom report. For that, we'll make use of the versatile PDFmake library. This library is well documented and offers an interesting playground that can be used to explore the variety of available features. In our case, we'll define the PDF document structure in the dd variable of the generatePDF method. We'll tweak our document's design by setting the desired page size, orientation, margins, images, fonts, and default styles and content. We highly recommend consulting the PDFMake documentation for further details on its API and features. Copy and past the generatePDF method given below into the script section our src/App.vue file:

<script setup>
const generatePDF = () => {
  const dd = {
    pageSize: 'A4',
    pageOrientation: 'portrait',
    pageMargins: 1 * 72, // 2.54 cm - 1 in converted to points, pageMargins is specified in points...
    images: { barChart: barChart.value.toDataURL() },
    defaultStyle: { font: 'Roboto', fontSize: 9 },
    styles: {
      titleBlock: { alignment: 'center', margin: [0, 0, 0, 40] },
      header: { fontSize: 18, bold: true, alignment: 'center' },
      subheader: { fontSize: 15, bold: true, alignment: 'center', margin: [0, 0, 0, 20] },
      section: { margin: [0, 0, 0, 50] }
    content: [
        style: 'titleBlock',
        stack: [
          { text: 'Obsolescence Report', style: 'header' },
            fontSize: 10,
            margin: [0, 15],
            italics: true,
            text: [
              { text: startDate.value, bold: true },
              ' to ',
              { text: endDate.value, bold: true }
      style: 'section',
      stack: [
        { text: 'Obsolescences per IT Component Category', style: 'subheader' },
          ? { image: 'barChart', fit: [420, 200] }
          : { text: 'No obsolete it components during this period...', italics: true, alignment: 'center' }
      style: 'section',
      stack: [
        { text: `IT Component Obsolescences`, style: 'subheader' },
          ? { text: 'No obsolete it components during this period...', italics: true, alignment: 'center' }
          : {
        table: {
          widths: ['auto', 'auto', '*'],
          headerRows: 1,
          body: [
  { label }) => label),
              .reduce((accumulator, itComponent) => {
                const row ={ key }) => itComponent[key].label || itComponent[key])
                return accumulator
              }, [])
      style: 'section',
      stack: [
      { text: 'Analysis', style: 'subheader' },
        ? { text: analysis.value, alignment: 'justify '}
        : { text: 'no comments', alignment: 'center', italics: 'true' }
  const fonts = {
    Roboto: {
      normal: '',
      bold: '',
      italics: '',
      bolditalics: ''
  const pdfDocGenerator = pdfMake.createPdf(dd, undefined, fonts)
  pdfDocGenerator.getDataUrl(_dataUrl => { dataUrl.value = _dataUrl })

If if you click on the Generate PDF button you should be able to see on the right column a preview of the exported document!

Here is the complete codebase from src/App.vue for your reference:

  <div class="h-screen flex p-4 gap-4">
    <!-- Left Column Container -->
    <div class="w-1/2 overflow-auto py-4">
      <!-- Top ActionBar Container -->
      <div class="flex justify-end mb-4 gap-2">
        <div class="flex text-sm gap-4 py-2 justify-center items-center">
          <!-- StartDate DatePicker -->
            <label for="startDate" class="font-medium">Start Date</label>
              class="border rounded text-xs">
          <!-- /StartDate DatePicker -->
          <!-- EndDate DatePicker -->
            <label for="endDate" class="font-medium">End Date</label>
              class="border rounded text-xs">
          <!-- /EndDate DatePicker -->
        <div class="flex-1"></div>
        <!-- GeneratePDF Button -->
          class="inline-flex gap-1 items-center px-2 py-1 border border-transparent text-xs leading-4 font-medium rounded text-white bg-green-600 hover:bg-green-500 transition ease-in-out duration-150">
          <svg class="w-4 h-4" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"  xmlns="">
            <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" d="M7 21h10a2 2 0 002-2V9.414a1 1 0 00-.293-.707l-5.414-5.414A1 1 0 0012.586 3H7a2 2 0 00-2 2v14a2 2 0 002 2z"></path>
          Generate PDF
         <!-- /GeneratePDF Button -->
      <!-- /Top ActionBar Container -->
      <div class="flex flex-col gap-6">
        <!-- Chart Container -->
          <div class="text-center font-medium mb-2">Obsolescences per IT Component Category</div>
          <div class="h-56 relative border rounded shadow">
            <canvas v-show="obsoleteITComponents.length > 0" ref="barChart"/>
            <div v-show="obsoleteITComponents.length === 0" class="italic absolute" style="top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%)">
              Nothing to display...
        <!-- /Chart Container -->
        <!-- List Container -->
          <div class="text-center font-medium mb-2" x-text="'IT Component Obsolescences (' + obsoleteITComponents.length + ')'"></div>
          <div class="h-40 overflow-auto border shadow rounded relative">
            <table x-show="obsoleteITComponents.length" class="table-auto w-full bg-white border-separate border border-t-0 border-grey" :style="'border-spacing: 0'">
                    v-for="(column, idx) in columns"
                    class="border-r border-b border-grey sticky top-0 bg-gray-100 font-normal p-1">
                  v-for="(row, idx) in obsoleteITComponents"
                    v-for="column in columns"
                    class="p-1 border-b border-r">
                    {{row[column.key].label || row[column.key]}}
            <div v-if="!obsoleteITComponents.length" class="italic absolute" style="top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%)">
              No IT Component obsolescence is scheduled for the selected period...
        <!-- /List Container -->
        <!-- TextArea Container -->
          <div class="text-center font-medium mb-2">Analysis</div>
              placeholder="Write your comment here..."
              class="bg-white w-full shadow border rounded p-2 text-xs">
        <!-- /TextArea Container -->
    <!-- /Left Column Container -->
    <!-- Right Column Container -->
    <div class="bg-green-100 w-1/2 border">
      <template v-if="dataUrl">
        <!-- PDF Viewer Container -->
        <embed :src="dataUrl" type="application/pdf" width="100%" height="100%">
        <!-- /PDF Viewer Container -->
    <!-- /Right Column Container -->

<script setup>
import { ref, watch, onMounted } from 'vue'
import '@leanix/reporting'
import moment from 'moment'
import Chart from 'chart.js/auto'
import pdfMake from 'pdfmake/build/pdfmake'

const reportSetup = ref(null)
const itComponents = ref([])
const obsoleteITComponents = ref([])
const columns = ref([
  { key: 'obsolescenceDate', label: 'Obsolescence Date' },
  { key: 'category', label: 'Category' },
  { key: 'name', label: 'IT Component' }
const dataUrl = ref(null)
const startDate = ref(moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD'))
const endDate = ref(moment().add(1, 'months').endOf('month').format('YYYY-MM-DD'))
const analysis = ref('')
const barChart = ref(null)

const initializeReport = async () => {
  reportSetup.value = await lx.init()

const fetchDataset = async () => {
  const query = `{
    allFactSheets(factSheetType: ITComponent) {
      edges {
        node {
          ... on ITComponent {
            lifecycle {
              phases {
  itComponents.value = await lx.executeGraphQL(query)
    .then(data =>{ node }) => node))

const computeObsolescencies = () => {
  const itComponentViewModel = reportSetup.value.settings.viewModel.factSheets
    .find(({ type }) => type === 'ITComponent')
  const categoryFieldMetaDataIndex = itComponentViewModel.fieldMetaData.category.values

  obsoleteITComponents.value = itComponents.value
    .reduce((accumulator, itComponent) => {
      let { lifecycle, category } = itComponent
      if (lifecycle === null) return accumulator
      const { phases } = lifecycle
      let { startDate: obsolescenceDate } = phases.find(({ phase }) => phase === 'endOfLife') || {}
      if (!obsolescenceDate) return accumulator
      obsolescenceDate = moment(obsolescenceDate, 'YYYY-MM-DD')
      if (obsolescenceDate && obsolescenceDate.isBetween(startDate.value, endDate.value)) {
        const label = category === null
          ? 'Not defined'
          : lx.translateFieldValue('ITComponent', 'category', category)
        const { bgColor, color } = categoryFieldMetaDataIndex[category] || {}
        category = { key: category, label, bgColor, color }
        accumulator.push({ ...itComponent, category, obsolescenceDate })
      return accumulator
    }, [])
    .sort(({ obsolescenceDate: A }, { obsolescenceDate: B }) => A.unix() < B.unix() ? -1 : A.unix() > B.unix() ? 1 : 0)
    .map(itComponent => ({
      obsolescenceDate: itComponent.obsolescenceDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD')

  generateBarChart ()

const generateBarChart = () => {
  const categoryIndex = obsoleteITComponents.value
    .reduce((accumulator, itComponent) => {
      const { category } = itComponent
      if (!accumulator[category.key]) accumulator[category.key] = { ...category, items: [] }
      return accumulator
    }, {})

  const options = {
    responsive: true,
    maintainAspectRatio: false,
    devicePixelRatio: 2,
    events: [],
    legend: false,
    plugins: {
      legend: false
    scales: {
      yAxes: [
          ticks: {
            beginAtZero: true,
            stepSize: 1

  const keys = Object.keys(categoryIndex)

  const data = {
    labels: => categoryIndex[key].label),
    datasets: [
        backgroundColor: => categoryIndex[key].bgColor),
        data: => categoryIndex[key].items.length)

  new Chart(barChart.value, { type: 'bar', data, options })

const generatePDF = () => {
  const dd = {
    pageSize: 'A4',
    pageOrientation: 'portrait',
    pageMargins: 1 * 72, // 2.54 cm - 1 in converted to points, pageMargins is specified in points...
    images: { barChart: barChart.value.toDataURL() },
    defaultStyle: { font: 'Roboto', fontSize: 9 },
    styles: {
      titleBlock: { alignment: 'center', margin: [0, 0, 0, 40] },
      header: { fontSize: 18, bold: true, alignment: 'center' },
      subheader: { fontSize: 15, bold: true, alignment: 'center', margin: [0, 0, 0, 20] },
      section: { margin: [0, 0, 0, 50] }
    content: [
        style: 'titleBlock',
        stack: [
          { text: 'Obsolescence Report', style: 'header' },
            fontSize: 10,
            margin: [0, 15],
            italics: true,
            text: [
              { text: startDate.value, bold: true },
              ' to ',
              { text: endDate.value, bold: true }
      style: 'section',
      stack: [
        { text: 'Obsolescences per IT Component Category', style: 'subheader' },
          ? { image: 'barChart', fit: [420, 200] }
          : { text: 'No obsolete it components during this period...', italics: true, alignment: 'center' }
      style: 'section',
      stack: [
        { text: `IT Component Obsolescences`, style: 'subheader' },
          ? { text: 'No obsolete it components during this period...', italics: true, alignment: 'center' }
          : {
        table: {
          widths: ['auto', 'auto', '*'],
          headerRows: 1,
          body: [
  { label }) => label),
              .reduce((accumulator, itComponent) => {
                const row ={ key }) => itComponent[key].label || itComponent[key])
                return accumulator
              }, [])
      style: 'section',
      stack: [
      { text: 'Analysis', style: 'subheader' },
        ? { text: analysis.value, alignment: 'justify '}
        : { text: 'no comments', alignment: 'center', italics: 'true' }
  const fonts = {
    Roboto: {
      normal: '',
      bold: '',
      italics: '',
      bolditalics: ''
  const pdfDocGenerator = pdfMake.createPdf(dd, undefined, fonts)
  pdfDocGenerator.getDataUrl(_dataUrl => { dataUrl.value = _dataUrl })

// watcher that will trigger the computeObsolescencies method on every update of
// startDate, endDate and itComponents state variables
watch([startDate, endDate, itComponents], computeObsolescencies)

// we initialize our report here...
// and trigger the fetchDataset method

Conclusions and next steps

In this tutorial we have covered a way of exporting a LeanIX Custom Report into a PDF document that follows a specific design and layout. This is a very interesting technique that can be used for generating normalized documentation, straight out of your LeanIX workspace, which meets your organization's policies, designs or guidelines. As an interesting follow-up exercise for the reader, we recommend to adjust the design and structure of the PDF template provided in this tutorial to your organization requirements. Thank you and good work!