Export Custom Reports to PowerPoint


Custom reports are a great way of creating specific views of your LeanIX workspace data. However, in a corporate environment, the user may need to document and communicate those views, analyses, and findings to other stakeholders in a format that follows a certain set of corporate documentation guidelines and policies. Thus, the ability to export information from LeanIX into a popular document format such as PDF, for example, that follows a certain template that meets the corporate guidelines, may save some time to the user. In this step-by-step tutorial, we'll create a LeanIX custom report project that demonstrates how to export its content into a PDF document that follows a pre-defined template. More specifically, we'll generate an obsolescence report in which the user sets a start and end date for the analysis, and gets both a chart and a list of all IT Components in his workspace that transition into the "End of Life" lifecycle phase during the specified date range.


Getting Started

Initialize a new project by running the following command and answering the questionnaire. For this tutorial we will be using the vue template:

npm init lxr@latest

Answer the questionnaire as follows, making sure you answer the last three questions with the appropriate values for your workspace and network:

After this procedure, you should end up with the following project structure:


For this project, we'll use the PptxGenJS library to generate PowerPoint documents from our content. Therefore we'll install this dependency by issuing the following command:

npm install pptxgenjs

Finally, before proceeding, we'll delete the ./src/components/HelloWorld.vue file and edit the ./src/App.vue file as follows:

  <!-- we'll use this template tag for declaring our custom report html -->
  <div>Hi from LeanIX Custom Report</div>

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import '@leanix/reporting'
import pptxgen from 'pptxgenjs'

const fields = ref([])
const businessModelCanvasContent = ref({})
const container = ref(null)

const initializeReport = async () => {
  await lx.init()

const onFileChange = () => {
  // to be implemented

const saveFile = () => {
  // to be implemented

const exportToPPT = () => {
  // to be implemented

// we initialize our report here...

You may now start the development server now by running the following command:

npm run dev


When you run npm run dev, a local webserver is hosted on localhost:3000 that allows connections via HTTPS. But since just a development SSL certificate is created the browser might show a warning that the connection is not secure. You could either allow connections to this host anyways, or create your own self-signed certificate.

If you decide to add a security exception to your localhost, make sure you open a second browser tab and point it to https://localhost:3000. Once the security exception is added to your browser, reload the original url of your development server and open the development console. Your should see a screen similar to the one below:


Nothing very exciting happens here. Notice however that our report loads, and is showing the message we defined inside the template tag of the App.vue file.

Custom Report Design


We'll design our Custom Report with 2 sections: the action bar, on top, which will hold three action buttons and the container, on the bottom, for our business model canvas.

As a first step, we'll edit the template section of our src/App.vue file and add the basic template of our report as follows:

  <div class="container mx-auto h-screen flex flex-col p-8">

    <!-- the Action Bar container -->
    <div class="mb-4 flex justify-end gap-1">

      <!-- the "Load" button -->
        <span class="cursor-pointer inline-flex items-center px-2 py-1 border border-transparent text-xs leading-4 font-semibold tracking-wide rounded text-white bg-red-600 hover:bg-red-500 transition ease-in-out duration-150">
        <input @change="onFileChange" type="file" class="hidden" accept=".json">

      <!-- the "Save" button -->
      <span class="inline-flex rounded-md shadow-sm">
        <button @click="saveFile" type="button"
        class="inline-flex items-center px-2 py-1 border border-transparent text-xs leading-4 font-semibold tracking-wide rounded text-white bg-green-600 hover:bg-green-500 transition ease-in-out duration-150">

      <!-- the "Export to PPT" button -->
      <span class="inline-flex rounded-md shadow-sm">
        <button @click="exportToPPT" type="button"
          class="inline-flex items-center px-2 py-1 border border-transparent text-xs leading-4 font-semibold tracking-wide rounded text-white bg-indigo-600 hover:bg-indigo-500 transition ease-in-out duration-150">
          Export to PPT

    <!-- the Business Model Canvas container -->
      class="grid h-full border-t border-r rounded border-gray-400 text-gray-800 text-sm font-semibold bg-gray-400"

Notice that the "Save" and "ExportPPT" buttons have listeners for the @click event that trigger the saveFile and exportToPPT methods respectively, whereas the "Load" button listens to @change event that triggers the onFileChange method. Since we have previously created empty placeholders for those methods in the script section of our src/App.vue file, we'll implement them ahead in this tutorial.

Your report should look like this now:

The Business Model Canvas grid

For modelling the Business Model Canvas template in our Custom Report, we'll use a CSS Grid Layout of 10 columns by 3 rows, as depicted below.

In order to place and size correctly the Business Model Canvas fields in our grid we'll define, for each field, its origin and span expressed in terms of columns and rows:

Tailwind CSS provides a set of grid utility classes - the Grid Column Start/End and the Grid Row Start/End, that are used to set the fields on the canvas. The table below summarizes, for each field, its grid coordinates, span, and the Tailwind CSS utility classes used to place and size it on the grid:

FieldColumn StartColumn SpanRow StartRow SpanGrid utility classes
Key Partners1212"col-start-1 col-span-2 row-start-1 row-span-2"
Key Activities3211"col-start-3 col-span-2 row-start-1 row-span-1"
Key Resources3221"col-start-3 col-span-2 row-start-2 row-span-1"
Value Propositions5212"col-start-5 col-span-2 row-start-1 row-span-2"
Customer Relationships7211"col-start-7 col-span-2 row-start-1 row-span-1"
Channels7221"col-start-7 col-span-2 row-start-2 row-span-1"
Customer Segments9212"col-start-9 col-span-2 row-start-1 row-span-2"
Cost Structure1531"col-start-1 col-span-5 row-start-3 row-span-1"
Revenue Streams6531"col-start-6 col-span-5 row-start-3 row-span-1"

In order to render those fields programmatically in our HTML template, we'll define the fieldsfields array in the state variable of our src/App.vue file containing each individual field information such as an unique field key, a label to be displayed, and the respective styling classes:

<script setup>

const fields = ref([
  { key: 'keyPartners', label: 'Key Partners', classes: 'col-start-1 col-span-2 row-start-1 row-span-2' },
  { key: 'keyActivities', label: 'Key Activities', classes: 'col-start-3 col-span-2 row-start-1 row-span-1' },
  { key: 'keyResources', label: 'Key Resources', classes: 'col-start-3 col-span-2 row-start-2 row-span-1' },
  { key: 'valuePropositions', label: 'Value Propositions', classes: 'col-start-5 col-span-2 row-start-1 row-span-2' },
  { key: 'customerRelationships', label: 'Customer Relationships', classes: 'col-start-7 col-span-2 row-span-1' },
  { key: 'channels', label: 'Channels', classes: 'col-start-7 col-span-2 row-span-1' },
  { key: 'customerSegments', label: 'Customer Segments', classes: 'col-start-9 col-span-2 row-start-1 row-span-2' },
  { key: 'costStructure', label: 'Cost Structure', classes: 'col-span-5 row-start-3 row-span-1' },
  { key: 'revenueStreams', label: 'Revenue Streams', classes: 'col-span-5 row-start-3 row-span-1' }


Furthermore we'll set also also, in the template section of our src/App.vue file the layout that renders our business model canvas container grid, recursively, from each field defined previously:

  <div class="container mx-auto h-screen flex flex-col p-8">

    <!-- the Action Bar container -->
    <div class="mb-4 flex justify-end gap-1">

      <!-- the "Load" button -->
        <span class="cursor-pointer inline-flex items-center px-2 py-1 border border-transparent text-xs leading-4 font-semibold tracking-wide rounded text-white bg-red-600 hover:bg-red-500 transition ease-in-out duration-150">
        <input @change="onFileChange" type="file" class="hidden" accept=".json">

      <!-- the "Save" button -->
      <span class="inline-flex rounded-md shadow-sm">
        <button @click="saveFile" type="button"
        class="inline-flex items-center px-2 py-1 border border-transparent text-xs leading-4 font-semibold tracking-wide rounded text-white bg-green-600 hover:bg-green-500 transition ease-in-out duration-150">

      <!-- the "Export to PPT" button -->
      <span class="inline-flex rounded-md shadow-sm">
        <button @click="exportToPPT" type="button"
          class="inline-flex items-center px-2 py-1 border border-transparent text-xs leading-4 font-semibold tracking-wide rounded text-white bg-indigo-600 hover:bg-indigo-500 transition ease-in-out duration-150">
          Export to PPT

    <!-- the Business Model Canvas container -->
      class="grid h-full border-t border-r rounded border-gray-400 text-gray-800 text-sm font-semibold"
      <!-- recursive template for the grid fields -->
          v-for="field in fields"
          class="border-l border-b border-gray-400 p-2 flex flex-col">
          <!-- the field label -->
            class="px-1 text-base mb-1 text-gray-700 truncate">
          <!-- the field input textarea, editable by the user -->
            class="text-sm tracking-wide bg-gray-100 hover:bg-gray-200 focus:bg-gray-200 transition-color duration-250 w-full flex-1 border border-dotted rounded p-2"/>

You should see the Business Model Canvas template rendered correctly:

We have now implemented our Custom Report design, both the action bar containing the Load, Save and Export to PPT buttons and the Business Model Canvas container grid. However, we are still missing the business logic required to implement all the import and export functionality required for this custom report. We'll cover that next!

Business Logic

We are looking to provide to this Custom Report three main functionalities: exporting the Business Model contents as a JSON file, importing the contents from a JSON file, and exporting the whole Business Model Canvas as a Power Point slide. In this chapter we'll cover the implementation of each individually.

Export BMC as JSON

The first functionality that we'll cover is the export method of our Business Model Canvas content as a JSON file. The basic idea here is that all Business Model Canvas content is stored under the state variable businessModelCanvasContent previously defined in the script section of our src/App.vue file. When the user updates the content of any field, that content is automatically set as an attribute of the businessModelCanvasContent state variable under the corresponding field's key. Therefore, the state of the Business Canvas Model can be exported any time by simply serializing the content of the businessModelCanvasContent variable as JSON, and saving it as a text file into the user's local filesystem. Given below is an implementation of this process, which should be copied into the saveFile method placeholder previously defined in the script section of our src/App.vue file:

<script setup>
const saveFile = () => {
  const data = JSON.stringify(businessModelCanvasContent.value, null, 2)
  const blob = new  Blob([data], { type: 'text/plain' })
  const e = document.createEvent('MouseEvents')
  const a = document.createElement('a')
  a.download = 'businessModelCanvas.json'
  a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob)
  a.dataset.downloadurl = ['text/json', a.download, a.href].join(':')
  e.initEvent('click', true, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null)

Now if you fill a couple of fields in your report and click on the green "Save" button, you should be able to save them as a JSON file:

Load JSON data

Having the JSON export feature covered, we'll now turn on how to import a JSON file into our Custom Report. As we have seen, all of our Business Model Canvas fields content is stored in the businessModelCanvasContent variable. Therefore, our import method will replace the content of that variable by the content of the json file selected by user. In order to allow the user to browse and select a file from the local storage, the Load button uses a hidden input field of the type file. Once the user clicks on it and chooses a file, it will trigger the onFileChange method. Since we have previously defined the empty placeholder for the onFileChange method in the script section of our src/App.vue file, we fill it in with the example implementation given below:

<script setup>
const onFileChange = evt => {
  const files = evt.target.files || evt.dataTransfer.files
  if (!files.length) return
  const reader = new FileReader()
  reader.onload = e => { businessModelCanvasContent.value = JSON.parse(e.target.result) }

Now if you click on the red Load button you should be able to restore any previously saved Business Model Canvas json file. Try it!

Export to PowerPoint

Finally, the last method we'll cover in this tutorial relates to the exportation of our Business Model Canvas as a PowerPoint presentation. This method is a bit more elaborated than the two previous methods covered before since it requires not only to capture the content of our Business Model Canvas fields, but their geometry as well so to render them properly in our presentation. For this section we'll be using the popular PptxGenJs library, which has an extensive and well documented API. This library allows the developer to programmatically create rich PowerPoint presentations with charts, images, shapes, text and tables among other elements. For our use case, we'll be focusing on two specific methods of this api: adding shapes and adding text.

By design, the PptxGenJs library currently works with two types of units for positioning and sizing shapes and text: inches and percentages of the slide dimensions. In order to scale properly the geometry of our Business Model Canvas template from HTML into the PowerPoint slide, the percentage unit becomes more convenient. Therefore, we capture the origin coordinates (x and y), width and height of our Business Model Canvas container element, in pixels, and express the geometries of its children elements - the fields, in terms of normalized percentages relatively to its parent container. Moreover, we'll make this Business Model Canvas container element scale to fit to the slide geometry by assigning its width and height, in slide dimension percentage terms, to 100%. Furthermore, and knowing that each child element contains two text fields - the field label and the field content, we need to capture also, for each, their normalized bounding box - giving their position and sizing, as well as its text content. Given below is the documented implementation that should be copied into the empty exportToPPT placeholder previously included in the script section of our src/App.vue file:

<script setup>
const exportToPPT = () => {
  // get an handle to our Business Model Canvas container element
  const containerEl = container.value
  // get the origin coordinates - x0, y0, width and height of it
  const { x: x0, y: y0, width: containerWidth, height: containerHeight } = containerEl.getBoundingClientRect()

  // auxiliar method for normalizing an element geometry relatively
  // to our business model canvas container, in terms of percentage
  const getNormalizedElBbox = el  => {
    let { x, y, width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect()
    const  bbox = {
      x: ((x - x0) / containerWidth) * 100,
      y: ((y - y0) / containerHeight) * 100,
      width: (width / containerWidth) * 100,
      height: (height / containerHeight) * 100,
    // round the values of our bbox object attributes to decimal places
    // and append to them a '%' character, as required by the PptxGenJS API
    const normalizedBbox = Object.entries(bbox)
      .reduce((accumulator, [key, value]) => ({ ...accumulator, [key]:  value.toFixed(2) + '%'}), {})
    return normalizedBbox

  // For each Business Model Canvas container field, marked with the directive 'field'
  const fields = Array.from(containerEl.querySelectorAll('[field]'))
    .map(fieldEl  => {
      // get the normalized geometry and shape attributes of its outer container
      const containerBbox = {
        line: { line:  '000000', lineSize:  '1' }
      // get an handle to the field label, marked with the 'field-label' directive
      const  labelEl = fieldEl.querySelectorAll('[field-label')[0]
      // extract its text content
      let { textContent: text = '' } = labelEl
      // get the normalized geometry and text attributes of its content
      const labelBbox = {
        textOpts: { autoFit:  true, fontSize:  7, bold:  true, align:  'left', valign:  'top' },

      // get an handle to the field content, marked with the 'field-content' directive
      const contentEl = fieldEl.querySelectorAll('[field-content')[0]
      // extract its value
      text = contentEl.value || ''
      // get the normalized geometry and text attributes of its content
      const contentBbox = {
        textOpts: { autoFit: true, fontSize: 7, align: 'left', valign: 'top' },
      // return an array representing the field's container, label and content geometries
      return [containerBbox, labelBbox, contentBbox]

  // create a new presentation
  const pres = new pptxgen()
  // add a slide to the presentation
  const slide = pres.addSlide()
  // for each mapped field of our business model canvas
  fields.forEach(field  => {
      // add a shape if the section corresponds to the field container
      // or a text if the section corresponds to the field's label or content
      .forEach(section => {
        const { x, y, width: w, height: h, text, line = {}, textOpts = {} } = section
        const { rect: shapeType } = pres.ShapeType
        const shapeOpts = {x, y, w, h, ...line, ...textOpts }
        typeof text === 'string'
          ? slide.addText(text, { shape:  shapeType, ...shapeOpts })
          : slide.addShape(shapeType, shapeOpts)
  // and finally save the presentation

Now if you fill a couple of fields in your report and click on the purple "Export to PPT" button, you should be able to download a powerpoint file which looks like the picture below:

There it is, your Business Model Canvas custom report is now able to be exported into a PowerPoint presentation.

Here is the complete codebase from src/App.vue for your reference:

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import '@leanix/reporting'
import pptxgen from 'pptxgenjs'

const fields = ref([
  { key: 'keyPartners', label: 'Key Partners', classes: 'col-start-1 col-span-2 row-start-1 row-span-2' },
  { key: 'keyActivities', label: 'Key Activities', classes: 'col-start-3 col-span-2 row-start-1 row-span-1' },
  { key: 'keyResources', label: 'Key Resources', classes: 'col-start-3 col-span-2 row-start-2 row-span-1' },
  { key: 'valuePropositions', label: 'Value Propositions', classes: 'col-start-5 col-span-2 row-start-1 row-span-2' },
  { key: 'customerRelationships', label: 'Customer Relationships', classes: 'col-start-7 col-span-2 row-span-1' },
  { key: 'channels', label: 'Channels', classes: 'col-start-7 col-span-2 row-span-1' },
  { key: 'customerSegments', label: 'Customer Segments', classes: 'col-start-9 col-span-2 row-start-1 row-span-2' },
  { key: 'costStructure', label: 'Cost Structure', classes: 'col-span-5 row-start-3 row-span-1' },
  { key: 'revenueStreams', label: 'Revenue Streams', classes: 'col-span-5 row-start-3 row-span-1' }

const businessModelCanvasContent = ref({})
const container = ref(null)

const initializeReport = async () => {
  await lx.init()

const onFileChange = evt => {
  const files = evt.target.files || evt.dataTransfer.files
  if (!files.length) return
  const reader = new FileReader()
  reader.onload = e => { businessModelCanvasContent.value = JSON.parse(e.target.result) }

const saveFile = () => {
  const data = JSON.stringify(businessModelCanvasContent.value, null, 2)
  const blob = new  Blob([data], { type: 'text/plain' })
  const e = document.createEvent('MouseEvents')
  const a = document.createElement('a')
  a.download = 'businessModelCanvas.json'
  a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob)
  a.dataset.downloadurl = ['text/json', a.download, a.href].join(':')
  e.initEvent('click', true, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null)

const exportToPPT = () => {
  // get an handle to our Business Model Canvas container element
  const containerEl = container.value
  // get the origin coordinates - x0, y0, width and height of it
  const { x: x0, y: y0, width: containerWidth, height: containerHeight } = containerEl.getBoundingClientRect()

  // auxiliar method for normalizing an element geometry relatively
  // to our business model canvas container, in terms of percentage
  const getNormalizedElBbox = el  => {
    let { x, y, width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect()
    const  bbox = {
      x: ((x - x0) / containerWidth) * 100,
      y: ((y - y0) / containerHeight) * 100,
      width: (width / containerWidth) * 100,
      height: (height / containerHeight) * 100,
    // round the values of our bbox object attributes to decimal places
    // and append to them a '%' character, as required by the PptxGenJS API
    const normalizedBbox = Object.entries(bbox)
      .reduce((accumulator, [key, value]) => ({ ...accumulator, [key]:  value.toFixed(2) + '%'}), {})
    return normalizedBbox

  // For each Business Model Canvas container field, marked with the directive 'field'
  const fields = Array.from(containerEl.querySelectorAll('[field]'))
    .map(fieldEl  => {
      // get the normalized geometry and shape attributes of its outer container
      const containerBbox = {
        line: { line:  '000000', lineSize:  '1' }
      // get an handle to the field label, marked with the 'field-label' directive
      const  labelEl = fieldEl.querySelectorAll('[field-label')[0]
      // extract its text content
      let { textContent: text = '' } = labelEl
      // get the normalized geometry and text attributes of its content
      const labelBbox = {
        textOpts: { autoFit:  true, fontSize:  7, bold:  true, align:  'left', valign:  'top' },

      // get an handle to the field content, marked with the 'field-content' directive
      const contentEl = fieldEl.querySelectorAll('[field-content')[0]
      // extract its value
      text = contentEl.value || ''
      // get the normalized geometry and text attributes of its content
      const contentBbox = {
        textOpts: { autoFit: true, fontSize: 7, align: 'left', valign: 'top' },
      // return an array representing the field's container, label and content geometries
      return [containerBbox, labelBbox, contentBbox]

  // create a new presentation
  const pres = new pptxgen()
  // add a slide to the presentation
  const slide = pres.addSlide()
  // for each mapped field of our business model canvas
  fields.forEach(field  => {
      // add a shape if the section corresponds to the field container
      // or a text if the section corresponds to the field's label or content
      .forEach(section => {
        const { x, y, width: w, height: h, text, line = {}, textOpts = {} } = section
        const { rect: shapeType } = pres.ShapeType
        const shapeOpts = {x, y, w, h, ...line, ...textOpts }
        typeof text === 'string'
          ? slide.addText(text, { shape:  shapeType, ...shapeOpts })
          : slide.addShape(shapeType, shapeOpts)
  // and finally save the presentation

// we initialize our report here...

  <div class="container mx-auto h-screen flex flex-col p-8">

    <!-- the Action Bar container -->
    <div class="mb-4 flex justify-end gap-1">

      <!-- the "Load" button -->
        <span class="cursor-pointer inline-flex items-center px-2 py-1 border border-transparent text-xs leading-4 font-semibold tracking-wide rounded text-white bg-red-600 hover:bg-red-500 transition ease-in-out duration-150">
        <input @change="onFileChange" type="file" class="hidden" accept=".json">

      <!-- the "Save" button -->
      <span class="inline-flex rounded-md shadow-sm">
        <button @click="saveFile" type="button"
        class="inline-flex items-center px-2 py-1 border border-transparent text-xs leading-4 font-semibold tracking-wide rounded text-white bg-green-600 hover:bg-green-500 transition ease-in-out duration-150">

      <!-- the "Export to PPT" button -->
      <span class="inline-flex rounded-md shadow-sm">
        <button @click="exportToPPT" type="button"
          class="inline-flex items-center px-2 py-1 border border-transparent text-xs leading-4 font-semibold tracking-wide rounded text-white bg-indigo-600 hover:bg-indigo-500 transition ease-in-out duration-150">
          Export to PPT

    <!-- the Business Model Canvas container -->
      class="grid h-full border-t border-r rounded border-gray-400 text-gray-800 text-sm font-semibold"
      <!-- recursive template for the grid fields -->
          v-for="field in fields"
          class="border-l border-b border-gray-400 p-2 flex flex-col">
          <!-- the field label -->
            class="px-1 text-base mb-1 text-gray-700 truncate">
          <!-- the field input textarea, editable by the user -->
            class="text-sm tracking-wide bg-gray-100 hover:bg-gray-200 focus:bg-gray-200 transition-color duration-250 w-full flex-1 border border-dotted rounded p-2"/>

Conclusions and next steps

In this tutorial we have covered a way of exporting a LeanIX Custom Report into a popular portable document format such as PowerPoint. We picked up a popular grid report - the Business Model Canvas, and provided it with basic import and export functionality of both data and layout. As a great follow-up exercise for the reader, we would recommend to add, to this example custom report, an additional export functionality into another popular format such as SVG or PDF. Congratulations for having completed this tutorial!