Setup in Apptio
On Apptio side:
Create a user with the Data Link Admin permission and save keyAccess and keySecret
Add permissions to the branch/trunk you want to import the LeanIX data to
Find out loginUrl, domain, environmentName
Uploader Service URL (ulsUrl) for the region where your Apptio environment belongs. See below for more details
Download URLs for tables can be generated in Apptio TBM for each desired table
Apptio service user setup
The Apptio Frontdoor application is used to create a system account used for the LeanIX-Apptio data integration. The system account should be assigned the “Datalink Admin” role and should be granted access to your Apptio Cost Transparency environment (or the desired environment for the projects to be used). The API keys can only be seen and copied during the initial user profile creation so be sure to capture the information to share with LeanIX.
Apptio minimum required permissions
A custom profile can be created to perform the Apptio API upload with the minimum permissions required. If desired, create a custom role and assign it the following permissions:
Updated over 3 years ago